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EIT Food course catalogue

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Discover our accredited courses and training programmes. Whether you’re looking to level-up your own skillset or develop your workforce. Assess your skills and those of your team’s and get tailored course recommendations. 

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62 results Showing 62 items on page 3 of 7.

Menjar Sa per Mantindres Sa

Ets professor de primària? Vols ensenyar als teus alumnes a menjar de forma saludable? Si és que sí, descarregueu el material de forma gratuïta.

Jezte zdravě, abyste byli zdraví

Jste učitel na základní škole? Chtěli byste své žáky naučit, jak se zdravě stravovat, abyste si udrželi zdraví? Stáhněte si nyní materiál zdarma.

Eat Healthy to Keep Healthy

Are you a primary school teacher? Then read more below!

Revolutionising the Food Chain with Technology

Discover how innovative technologies could revolutionise the food sector

From Waste to Value: How to Tackle Food Waste

Discover the causes and impact of food waste, and learn how you can tackle it on a personal, community, and national level.

The Human Microbiome

Masters degree • 2 years • Beginner

Discover what the microbiome is, how it changes throughout your life, and the role it plays in good human health.

Understanding Mediterranean and Okinawa Diets

Learn the principles, science and health benefits of the Mediterranean and the Okinawa diets.

Food and Nutrition: The Truth Behind the Headlines

Learn how to find reliable, scientific information about food and nutrition and identify the truth behind food headlines.

Sustainable Seafood: Barriers and Solutions in the Fishing Industry

Understand how food goes from farm to fork: explore food security, supply chains, food production and agriculture.

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EIT Food Education

EIT Food Education

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