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Sustainable Seafood: Barriers and Solutions in the Fishing Industry

Understand how food goes from farm to fork: explore food security, supply chains, food production and agriculture.

Course information


3 weeks

Weekly duration

3 hours


100% online


This course is free for 3 weeks, from the moment you start.

Course soon available

About : Understand the true environmental and social impact of fisheries and aquaculture

As we discover more about unsustainable and damaging fishing practices, it’s important to have an accurate understanding of the problem in order to take action.

On this three-week course, you’ll gain a nuanced understanding of the environmental and social problems of the fishing industry. Moving beyond just the impacts of fisheries, you’ll delve into fish farming and aquaculture to gain a comprehensive insight into different fishing industries.

With this knowledge, you’ll explore approaches and innovations to make these practices more sustainable.

Learn to define sustainable fisheries and seafood

Sustainable seafood is a complex topic, which is often hard to navigate as a consumer. You’ll learn to define what is meant by sustainable seafood and use this understanding to critique sustainable seafood products.

You’ll also explore how stakeholders and the growth of seafood demand affects the industry’s sustainability and the issues this causes for the oceans.

Dive into ocean science and the barriers to sustainable seafood

With an understanding of what sustainable seafood means, you’ll start to unpack the barriers faced by the industry. You’ll learn about wild-capture fisheries, quotas, and catch policy as you explore case studies related to unsustainable fishing.

Next, you’ll discover the challenges of fish farming and aquaculture, including welfare, species selection, and health.


Discover sustainable fishing solutions from the experts at EIT Food

Finally, you’ll unpack the opportunities for sustainable solutions such as improved fishing techniques and marine protected areas.

By the end of the course from EIT Food, you’ll have a solid understanding of the impacts of the fishing industry as well as the sustainable innovations to transform its practices.

Advantages :

By the end of the course, you‘ll be able to...

  • Identify the environmental impacts of fisheries, and fisheries management practices and innovations that make it more sustainable
  • Explore the fish farming food chain and its environmental and socio-economic impacts
  • Evaluate the benefits and limitations of varying aquaculture species on health and the environment
  • Explore ocean science and marine technologies
  • Identify or critique ‘sustainable’ seafood products as a consumer
  • Apply your understanding to address the sustainability challenges of consuming living marine resources

Structure & Modules : What are you going to learn over 3 weeks?

Week 1: Defining sustainable seafood

  • Stakeholder’s mapping
  • The growth of seafood demand and its impact
  • Seafood production and consumption

Week 2: Sustainable seafood: Barriers

  • Barriers to sustainable wild-capture fisheries
  • Challenges of aquaculture management
  • Consequences of unsustainable practices

Week 3: Sustainable seafood: An ocean of opportunities

  • Opportunities in the seafood industry
  • Improving fisheries management
  • Improving aquaculture management

Partners : Where can you find this course?

Future Learn

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InfraBooster Foundation

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