Understanding Mediterranean and Okinawa Diets
Learn the principles, science and health benefits of the Mediterranean and the Okinawa diets.

Course information
- Duration
3 weeks
- Weekly duration
2 hours
- Location
100% online
- Price
This course is free for 3 weeks, from the moment you start.
Overview: Understanding Mediterranean and Okinawa Diets
About : Learn to make healthier diet choices by examining two different diets
Your diet can make a big difference to your health. That’s why it’s so important to consider the value of different diets from around the globe.
On this course you will explore the science and benefits of two well-known diets: the Mediterranean and Okinawa diets. You will learn the main components of these diets and how to prepare simple recipes. You will also consider what makes these diets healthy, and how they affect the body.
Advantages :
By the end of the course, you‘ll be able to...
- Summarise the characteristics and benefits of the Mediterranean and Okinawa diets
- Describe how diet influences human microbiota and how this has an impact on human health
- Evaluate the importance of healthy food frequency consumption
- Explore the many kinds of healthy diets; their different food composition and cultural approaches.
- Identify health-related properties of foods central to the two diets
- Design at least one simple healthy recipe of one of the course diets
Structure & Modules : What are you going to learn over 3 weeks?
Week 1: What do we eat?
- Is your food healthy?
- Why is diet important for your health?
- The Mediterranean (MED) food pyramid and scientific background
- The Okinawa diet: The food pyramid, scientific background and benefits for your health
Week 2: Diet and microbiota: health benefits
- Diet and microbiota: fundaments
- The health benefits of the MED and Okinawa diets
- Components of MED and Okinawa diets: protein sources
- Foods of the MED and Okinawa diets: fish, meat, poultry and dairy
- An easy-to-prepare recipe
Week 3: Foods of MED and Okinawa diets: properties and benefits
- Foods of the Okinawa diet: wakame and kombu seaweeds, tofu, shiitake mushrooms
- Components of MED and Okinawa diets: carbohydrate and fat sources
- Foods of the MED diet: olive oil
- Foods of the MED and Okinawa diets: fruit and vegetables
- Foods of the MED and Okinawa diets: cereals and pseudocereals
Partners : Where can you find this course?
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