Explore How Farmers Produce Food Sustainably
Gain an understanding of sustainable food production and the challenges that farmers face to offer a sustainable food supply.
Course information
- Duration
3 weeks
- Weekly duration
3 hours
- Location
100% online
- Price
This course is free for 3 weeks, from the moment you start.
Overview: Explore How Farmers Produce Food Sustainably
About : Build your knowledge of the processes used by farmers and food producers.
Have you ever wondered what makes food sustainable?
On this course, you’ll gain a better understanding of where our food comes from, how it’s produced, and the associated environmental, social and sustainability challenges for EU farmers.
As well as horticulture and arable farming, you’ll explore meat, dairy, and egg production, as you examine different farming systems. You’ll also learn about the innovative technologies available to farmers to boost sustainability so that you can better understand farming challenges, and how farming relates to your food purchases.
This course will be particularly useful for professionals working in the food industry who have no background in agriculture.
Advantages :
By the end of the course, you‘ll be able to:
- Develop an informed and balanced understanding of the complexities of sustainable food production in the EU within the context of the global food supply chain.
- Investigate how food is produced by EU farmers and explore the trade offs required when considering organic, environmentally sustainable and socially acceptable production methods.
- Reflect on the challenges faced by farmers and how innovative technologies help them to provide a secure and sustainable food supply for a growing population.
- Evaluate the benefits of different farming methods and apply what you’ve learned to your food-buying choices and working priorities.
Structure & Modules : What are you going to learn over 3 weeks?
Week 1: Sustainability in food production
- A framework for examining sustainable production
- Horticultural farming
- Technology and how it can help
Week 2: Feeding a growing population
- Arable farming
- Food loss and food waste
- Technology and how it can help
Week 3: The future of livestock farming
- Ruminant production: beef, lamb and milk
- Monogastrics: pork and poultry
- Technology and how it can help
Partners : Where can you find this course?
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