Understanding Food Supply Chains in a Time of Crisis
Learn how agri-food supply chains deal with crises and get practical advice on how you can minimise disruption during COVID-19.

Course information
- Duration
2 weeks
- Weekly duration
3 hours
- Location
100% online
- Price
This course is free for 2 weeks, from the moment you start.
About : Explore contingency plans for ensuring food security during COVID-19 in Europe.
Movement restrictions imposed due to the coronavirus are leading to an increase in food stockpiling, and there are concerns the agri-food supply chain won’t keep up with demand.
On this course, you’ll learn how the pandemic is challenging food supply chains and explore the steps taken by the industry to ensure food security and integrity.
You’ll discover the complexity of the agri-food supply chains and understand its codependency with other sectors such as transportation and packaging.
You’ll also hear from companies making a difference with innovative digital food services and solutions.
Advantages :
By the end of the course, you‘ll be able to...
- Identify the stakeholders and reflect on the complexity of the food supply chain
- Asssess the consequences of a crisis on the integrity of the food supply chains
- Reflect on how you could contribute to a food supply chain solution
- Describe the innovations that are helping stakeholders of the agri-food supply chains cope with increased demand
- Evaluate your own personal contribution to improving the sustainability of the food supply chain
- Explore the policies of national governments and the EU helping to improve the sustainability of the food system in your country
Structure & Modules : What are you going to learn over 2 weeks?
Partners : Where can you find this course?
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