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Setting Learning Outcomes

This course will walk you through a structured process to create learning outcomes for courses within EIT Food and introduce the new EIT Food competency framework.

Course information

Target Audience



60.5€ (including VAT)


2 hours

About : This is a practice-oriented module, not just an academic exercise

This is a practice oriented module, not just an academic exercise! You will work on real learning outcomes that you will be able to use in your real job. You will be introduced to the new EIT Food Competency Framework that will underpin the learning outcomes you will produce for your courses. You'll learn how to produce well articulated learning outcomes using the appropriate tools and relevant frameworks to enable the learning design of your courses to be more robust.

Upon successful completion of this course, you will be able

  • to use key terms according to the definitions given in this course and supported by leading literature.
  • to identify learning outcomes that the implementation of a wider strategy.
  • to produce learning outcomes for a specific course according to the context and level of learning, referring where appropriate to the relevant strategies and using tools and language commonly shared in the education field.

This course is targeted in particular to all EIT Food educators, both experienced and new to designing, but is open also to educators of other KICs. The learning can be applied to courses of any kind, short or long, professional education or higher education, courses for children or courses for experienced professionals, as well as students. This course is therefore aimed at any educator who wants to learn how to set learning outcomes for any of their courses or who is experienced and would like a refresher.

This course is particularly interesting for educators working in or for course providers working with EIT Food as the EIT Food competency framework is referenced.

Advantages :

You will work on real learning outcomes that you will be able to use in your real job. You will be introduced to the new EIT Food Competency Framework that will underpin the learning outcomes you will produce for your courses. You'll learn how to produce well-articulated learning outcomes using the appropriate tools and relevant frameworks to enable the learning design of your courses to be more robust.

Career opportunities :

Through this course you will develop or refresh one of the essential building blocks of learning design, which is a key competency for any educator working in professional education, higher education as well as in or with L&D teams in both profit and non-for-profit sectors.

Structure : This module is structured in three units

As you work through the module you will learn key concepts that you can put into practice straight away and compare your work against model answers. You can also test your understanding in each unit. You will work on the learning outcomes of a course you know and at the end of the course you will have a set of well-articulated learning outcomes that you will be able to use in your work.

Apply before September 12th

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