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Mariam's journey, from agricultural engineering, to Master in Food Systems, to focus on research and sustainability at Vion Food Group, in the center of the Food Supply Chain, between farmers and customers.

The Master in Food Systems is quite an academic and experience-packed adventure.

But what happens after graduation?


21 Nov 2023

Mariam, tell us about your post-graduation journey. How did the Master in Food Systems pave the way for your career?

Mariam Rojas from Costa Rica: ‘After a rejuvenating two-month break, I delved into the job market with an open mind for opportunities in the food industry. Even though my German language skills needed improvement, I secured a position in the trainee programme at Vion Food Group. This role allows me to explore various business units and engage in diverse projects, even spanning across different countries like the Netherlands.’

MFS Mariam Rojas
“The MFS Programme offers a comprehensive understanding of the food industry, touching on diverse topics like logistics, product development, health and quality...”
Mariam Rojas, Costa Rica, Alumna Master in Food Systems

Reflecting on your Master in Food Systems experience, how would you describe it?

‘The MFS Programme was an incredible adventure. Despite the challenges posed by the covid pandemic, the well-organised online classes and insightful company visits made it memorable. Studying across three locations – Stuttgart, Madrid, and Belfast – broadened my perspective on global food systems.’

Can you apply what you learned in your current role?

‘Absolutely! The MFS Programme equipped me with a diverse skill set. At Vion Food Group, I'm actively engaged in projects related to food administration and management. Joining a meat company wasn't something I initially expected, but the opportunity offered a fascinating glimpse into different departments and locations. My academic background in food systems brings a unique perspective to the team, especially in a growing company where specialised knowledge is crucial.’

Have you found yourself in the direction you planned?

‘Surprisingly, yes! I'm now in a position within the food industry that my agricultural engineering degree from Costa Rica wouldn't have granted me. Looking forward, I aspire to contribute to a new department at Vion, focusing on research and sustainability.’

Would you recommend the Master in Food Systems Programme to other students?

‘Definitely! The MFS Programme offers a comprehensive understanding of the food industry, touching on diverse topics like logistics, product development, health and quality. The unique concept of studying abroad in different universities and countries not only enriches your knowledge but also fosters personal growth by connecting with students from around the world. It's an experience that I highly recommend to anyone considering a career in the dynamic field of food systems.’ 

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