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EIT Food course catalogue

Explore our array of courses and programmes! 

Discover our accredited courses and training programmes. Whether you’re looking to level-up your own skillset or develop your workforce. Assess your skills and those of your team’s and get tailored course recommendations. 

Interested in collaborating to develop a training programme? Reach out and connect with us. Get in touch.


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61 results Showing 61 items on page 2 of 7.
Started on September 13th

Inspire Explore

Ready to embark on your entrepreneurial journey?Join the Inspire Programmes and explore the fundamentals of entrepreneurship like never before!

Egészségesen enni, egészségesnek lenni

Ön általános iskolai tanár? Töltse le most ingyenesen az anyagot.

Jedz zdrowo, żeby być zdrowym

Jesteś nauczycielem w szkole podstawowej? Chciałbyś nauczyć swoich uczniów jak zdrowo się odżywiać, aby zachować zdrowie? Pobierz teraz ten materiał za darmo.
Started on August 22nd

The Regenerative Agriculture Revolution

Build your knowledge of sustainable farming methods and the skills and policies needed to transition to a regenerative model.

Comer sano para mantenerse sano

¿Es usted profesor de primaria? Más información

Mangiare sano per mantenersi in salute

Siete insegnanti di scuola primaria? Allora leggete qui sotto!

Spis sundt for at være sund

Er du lærer i folkeskolen? Vil du gerne lære dine elever, hvordan de kan spise sundt for at holde sig sunde? Hvis ja, kan du downloade materialet gratis nu.

Menjar Sa per Mantindres Sa

Ets professor de primĂ ria? Vols ensenyar als teus alumnes a menjar de forma saludable? Si Ă©s que sĂ­, descarregueu el material de forma gratuĂŻta.

Jezte zdravÄ›, abyste byli zdravĂ­

Jste učitel na základní škole? Chtěli byste své žáky naučit, jak se zdravě stravovat, abyste si udrželi zdraví? Stáhněte si nyní materiál zdarma.

Not sure where to start?

Wondering which of our courses, programmes and MOOCs best suit your needs? Assess your skills and receive personalised course suggestions.

Reach out to us!

Do you have any questions about our courses, programmes, the EIT Label or how to collaborate with us? Don’t hesitate to contact us or check out our FAQ.

EIT Food Education

EIT Food Education

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